Thursday, April 26, 2007

Finally an Update

Okay, we are so bad at this! It has been 3 months now since we've updated our original website . We had a great excuse in the beginning to not update anyone on anything as we were so busy with a newborn, but we no longer can use that as an excuse as Atticus is now 3 months old! We also had some technical difficulties with that website so we are now switching to this blog format. Yeah!

We can hardly believe it is time for Kathy to go back to work already! Time flies when you're changing diapers, feeding and burping a newborn around the clock! :-)

Atticus is doing great! He is smiling, "talking" all day long and most importantly sleeping through the night! Can I hear an amen!

1 comment:

blueyesaz78 said...

Amen!!!! Atticus is so handsome. You all make such a beautiful family. Love you.