Wednesday, December 24, 2008


One happy guy while eating a PB & J sandwich. 'Cheese!'

Friday, December 19, 2008

Little Drummer Boys

Atticus and Ben drumming on boxes, sand pails, and toy drums at home together. They were rockin'!

School Christmas Party

Atticus had a Christmas party at his school today. It was great they had Santa, a 'real' snowman and this polar bear. Atticus LOVED this bear.

Getting up close and personal for a high-five!
I'm so glad he was not afraid of the bear, snowman or Santa! Yeah!

Fun with Boxes

Seriously, why buy gifts when he has just as much fun with empty boxes!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hot Dog Dance

Atticus was dancing like a crazy man this morning. He loves the music for the "Hot Dog Dance" on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show. Ben provided the lyrics and percussion for the song. (Somehow I posted two of the same thing not sure how I did that or how to delete it. Opps!)

Monday, November 24, 2008


We went to Zoolights on Friday and really enjoyed seeing all of the lights. We didn't get to see too many 'aminals' as Atticus calls them, but it was a good time anyway!

Walk in Someone Else's Shoes

This is my favorite picture. The shoe looks as big as he is.

Atticus loves trying on our shoes. It is fair to say that Ben's shoes are SLIGHTLY bigger than Atticus' feet!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Part 2 - Festival

My mom made Atticus a cute monkey costume for Halloween this year. We also had the Sparky costume so he wore one to school and the other to a church festival. Here he is pre-festival with his blanket, or "gee-ko" as he calls it, relaxing before the big event.
Why play games and eat candy when you can pick up rocks and, ...

pour them in the parking lot!

Playing games at the festival with Grandma Roat.

A great picture of Ben and our little monkey man.

Halloween Part 1 - School

Atticus riding in a car at school after the "festivities" were over. We ditched the horns and hood as he was burning up!

Sliding down the slide on the playground.

Eating yummy gingerbread cookies!

Playing with trains and beans before the all-school costume parade. It was a fun day.

Pumpkin Carving

We carved our Halloween pumpkin together on Halloween Eve. Atticus' job was to stir the pumpkin seed 'soup'. This was a job he gave himself.
Ben carved the pumpkin face

The finished product! (These pictures posted out-of-order somehow!)

A work in progress....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2

At the end of the day, tired, but holding onto his prized balloon sword with all his might.
Looking over the fields onto the horizon contemplating life's trials.

Driving the tractor

Pumpkin Patch O' Fun

So many pumpkins so little time! (I made a small shadow cameo in the photo, too)

Pumpkin Patch 1

Can you tell we own two manual cars? He's shifting while driving the tractor!
Walking head-long into the hay bale maze.

Atticus and I on the hay ride

Atticus enjoying the hay ride at the pumpkin patch.

Hi's and Good-Bye's

We said "hello" to a new toddler program at SARRC on October 8th
We said "good-bye" to Eddie and Maria and their 2 daughters. They've been so gracious to watch Atticus in their home since February of this year. We'll miss you!

1st Professional Hair Cut

We took Atticus to Super Cuts because we wanted him to have a faux hawk like Ben, but ti was beyond out hair cuts skills! I think he was happy with the results.
Stunned into motionlessness by the gaint drape.

Still as a mouse.

That tickels!

Random Pics 2

"Cooking" at the Children's Museum

" I have a crazy sand bucket on my head, now give me some candy!"

It is FINALLY getting cool enough to 1.) wear a jacket in the morning and 2.) go to the park after 9am! Yeah!

I'm so big I can slide by myself

Random Pics

Ben and Atticus "playing" musical flutes. There are actually rolled up table mats!
Coloring in a rather ambidextrious fashion.

Wearing a shirt given to him by Auntie Anick.

Bowl on his head.

Messy spaghetti lunch face.

Okay, so I haven't been so great about updating this, but I'm going to make a strong effort today and post A LOT! Get Ready! Here are some random pictures from the last few weeks.