Sunday, May 18, 2008

Reading on the Plane

We recently flew to Nebraska for a graduation. Atticus' Grandma Roat graduated with her doctoral degree in nursing. It was a fun family trip and we even got to visit with some family from Illinois that Atticus had not met before. Between the family fun and Phoenix came the dreaded plane ride with a toddler! However, he entertained himself nicely, and surprisingly well, with books, snacks and running up and down the isle of the plane (thank you Southwest Airlines flight attendants!).

His shirt that day cracked me up! It read, "Call the vet, because these puppies are sick!" referring to the big muscles on his arms!

Misc. Pics

Just grinning away and having a great day with mommy at home!

We spiked his hair after his bath, unfortunately his hair is so fine it only stays spiked for 30 minutes!